Fletcher Homes Ltd

Date established

The Fletcher Construction Company was active in residential housing until the late 1960's, when it decided to focus on commercial buildings, the residential activity continued independently within

In 1973 Fletcher Residential was formed by Fletcher Holdings Ltd.

In 1981 the the newly formed Fletcher Challenge Ltd reorganised the residential housing operation under Fletcher Residential Ltd, this included Beazley homes which Fletcher Holdings Ltd had acquired in 1974.

In 1986 Reidbuilt Homes were acquired, and became New Zealand's largest new home builder for first time buyers. In 1986 Fletcher Residential expanded into retirement villages, set-up a division to build homes for Housing New Zealand, and established Residential Mortgages Ltd to provide first home buyers with independent finance.

In 1985 to 1987 Fletcher Residential expanded into medium and high cost housing markets through the acquisition of NZH Homes in Napier, Warners & Masters in Tauranga, and Aston Marsh and Fythe Homes in Auckland.

In 1988 Prestige Homes and Spaceline Homes were amalgamated in Fletcher Residential as part of Fletcher Challenge Ltd acquisition of Winstone Ltd. Neil Homes and Lifestyle Homes were also acquired in 1988.

In 1991 Fletcher Residential changed its name to Fletcher Homes Ltd, the current product brand names, such as Beazley and Fythe, were still marketed under their own names.

In 1994 Fletcher Homes Ltd divests Challenge Realty

In 1997 Fletcher Homes changed its name back to Fletcher Residential Ltd
